Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sweating It Out

We are down to two weekdays before the kiddos arrive!  I have been working really hard in my classroom getting it ready for the year.  But this is what I am dealing with....
Yep...the air conditioner is still not working correctly.  Our building does not have windows that open, so we are dependent on air moving through the ventilation system.  There was a point late in the afternoon that something was working and my room did cool off, but then it quit again and promptly warmed back up.  (I took this photo right before I left...I forgot to check and see what the temperature was before the fans started working.)  Ok...enough whining. :)

I am so proud of myself.  When I left this afternoon, I was almost completely done getting my room ready.  All I have left to do is find some fabric this weekend to cover my bulletin boards.  This was quite an accomplishment for me.  Usually, I am frantically throwing things in closets minutes before the kids and their families show up for Back-to-School Night!  (I took a photo of my desk to show how tidy it was, but from the photo it still looks cluttered!)

I put together a new podium (yay!!) that I can use to hold my really heavy teachers' edition literature book and I put up some Hawaiian decorations to brighten the room. (It feels like the tropics in my room, I may as well make it look the part!)

New podium!!

So, Tuesday is the big day.  I can't wait to start the new year!

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